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Top Marketing Podcasts of the Year

Brief Overview

It was fascinating to see what the top episodes of the Marketing Your Business podcast have been… and also the most underrated ones. I share the details in this episode.

Lessons from Launching the Podcast

[00:30] When we launched the Marketing Your Business Podcast, what you may not know is that this was a long time in the making. I want to share this with you because it just goes to show, no matter how much experience you have, no matter how many years you get under your belt when it comes to marketing different products and services, we can often get in our own way and I absolutely was guilty of that with this particular podcast. Believe it or not, it took me a full year after announcing that we’d launch, before we officially launched in October of 2017. Crazy, right?

[01:50] Now, what was holding me back for a full year? It certainly wasn’t creating the content. In fact, I had 15 episodes that were locked and loaded. What was holding me back then? I’ll tell you. I got in my own head. I had this master plan that I was putting together, and it involved all these different ideas that were going to help us get to the top of iTunes. No matter how good the plans were, I never felt like we were ready to launch. When we did launch, here’s how it happened. My brother-in-law who is one of my business partners, he basically looked at me on a Thursday and said, “Here’s the deal. We submitted the podcast to iTunes so it’s going to get approved in the next few days. So, whether you like it or not, it’s probably going to be live early next week.

And so, that’s exactly how this ended up getting launched. It wasn’t this big master launch plan and we didn’t get to incorporate all the bells and whistles, but at the end of the day, we got it going and I am so grateful that we did because I have heard from so many listeners of the Marketing Your Business Podcast who have spoken and shared how they enjoyed the show. We’ve launched 30+ episodes so far and have thousands of listeners tuning in each and every week.

The Most Popular Podcast Episodes in 2017

#1: The most popular episode thus far has been “012: How to Sell When You Don’t Like to Sell with Michael Maidens” – if you’re someone who wants to be effective with your marketing but you’re hesitant to push your products & services because you don’t want to come across as sleazy, slimy or aggressive, than this episode is for you. And if you like episode #12, you’ll love episode “020: The Circle of Awesomeness” which is my very own approach to selling without feeling salesy. It’s all about using storytelling to make selling easy and effortless.

#2: Another really popular episode has been “017: People will Pay A LOT More for This” which shares the number one thing people will pay a premium for. If you run a business, you definitely don’t want to miss this episode.

#3: Next up, is “013: A BIG Opportunity Almost Got Away”. Spoiler alert! The big opportunity was working with Tony Robbins. Crazy, right? Well, definitely go check out this episode, because I share the behind the scenes of what happened and there are some great lessons to be learned.

Underrated Episodes You You Need to Hear

#4: Check out “015: James Wedmore and His $18,000 Email” which outlines how James created one email that pulled in a ton of customer insight and resulted in $18,000 of sales before his product was even created!

#5:002: The Perfect Marketing Plan” is another episode that I believe you’ll gain a ton of value from. I break my marketing plan down to two types of promotions. There’s the A-level promotion and the B-level Promotion. Apply these to your own business to maximize your marketing efforts and minimize stress on your team and audience.

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