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Be The Customer You Want To Attract

Brief Overview

How do you attract customers who are engaged, who are alive, who are excited about what you do? Customers that will invest in your products, services, courses, masterminds, events, coaching, and so much more… In this episode, I’m going to tell you the one thing you can’t forget to do if you want to attract great customers to your business!

Big Ideas

[00:33] There’s something I see happening all the time with entrepreneurs, where they’re completely out of alignment with what they say they want and what they actually do. So, for example, I’ve seen and spoken to a number of people who are selling courses online but they themselves have flat-out told me that they aren’t willing or don’t want to buy courses from anybody else. If you’re not willing to invest in yourself then why would you ever expect anybody to invest in your materials? You see what I’m saying? There’s this misalignment between what it is they say they want and what they’re actually doing.

They want great customers. They want people to invest in their courses or in their coaching or in their mastermind or they want great reactions if something goes wrong, but yet they’re not the ones giving those great reactions. They’re not the ones investing in coaching themselves. They’re not the ones investing in courses. They’re not the ones that are investing in Masterminds. It’s like this misalignment. And so, at the end of the day, you and I have to be the customer that we want to attract. You want to attract great customers? Then be a great customer. Sit with that for a second. If you want to attract great customers, you’ve got to be a great customer.

[07:27] If I want to attract people who are engaged, who are alive, who are excited about what it is that I’m teaching at my events then I need to be engaged and excited about the information that’s being taught at other events. I need to be the customer that I want to attract. And so, I’m going to throw it back to you. If you want to attract great customers, how can you be a great customer? If you want to attract coaching clients, how can you be a great coaching client? If you want to attract people to your mastermind, how can you participate in great masterminds? How would you want people buying from you? Whatever your answer, then you need to be that kind of buyer for somebody else. Because at the end of the day, you and I attract the customers that we are. So, if you want great customers, be the great customer you want to attract.

Quote to Remember

If you want to attract great customers, you’ve got to be a great customer.” – Stu McLaren

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