Goal setting can seem daunting at times, right? But, with the right process in place, what used to be painful can now be easy (and maybe even a little fun too).

I used to hate December because the weather gets cold here. The skies get grey… and they stay grey… for what seems like forever! And it’s the time of year when I’d look at my goals.

For a long time, December would come and I’d start feeling anxious because I knew I was nowhere near accomplishing my goals – and so it would get me upset. I’d feel awful because I’d realize I was falling further and further behind where I wanted to be.

The contrast between the goals that I set in January (at the beginning of the year) and where I actually ended up by December was depressing. There was always this massive gap between the two.

After a couple years of hoping things would just “change” and I’d suddenly get better results, I knew that I had to refine my process. The bottom line is that you and I can continue to do things the old way and continue to moan and groan about the results that we’re getting (or not getting)…
… We can learn a process that works. And that’s what I did. So let me reiterate. If what you’re doing isn’t working for you, you’ve got to…

Learn a process that works

Here’s the thing…
It’s not our fault. We were never taught goal setting in school – at least I wasn’t. And that’s why, for me, my “make shift” goal setting process never worked in the past – no matter how much I read about setting smart goals. It just never happened.
However, now, things are totally different and I want to share one little trick with you that made all the difference. But first, let me show you just how well this trick has worked for me.

2016 was, by far, my best year ever.
So, here’s what happened. . .
From a business standpoint, we launched a whole new business that took off like a rocket ship, far exceeding our goals. That gave us the ability to contribute WAY MORE than we had ever thought to causes that we are passionate about. And that super lights me up.

The other thing it did, was give me more time to be with the people that matter most to me – like my wife, Amy, my kids, my family, and my friends.

There were seven goals, in total, that I made for 2016. Here’s the actual screenshot from my phone:

My 1st goal was to build an e-mail list of two hundred thousand small business owners by December 31, 2016.

My 2nd goal was to attract twelve thousand paying members to Platform University by September 30, 2016. That was the goal, but it actually became obsolete, because Michael Hyatt and I, we ended our partnership in February that year, so that I could concentrate on my new business.

My 3rd goal was to conduct a two million dollar launch of my membership course and donate two hundred fifty thousand of that to World Teacher Aid, which is our charity that my wife and I run. The goal date for that was October 31, 2016

My 4th goal was to exercise three times per week.

Goal 5 was to schedule two ‘couples only’ getaways with Amy by July 31, 2016.

Goal 6, to organize one friend get away by October 31, 2016

And, my final goal, #7, was to raise one million dollars for World Teacher aid by December 31, 2016.

So, here’s the deal. Of these seven goals that I set . . .

  • I hit or exceeded four of them.
  • One goal I just missed. I didn’t quite hit it, but we were really close (raising $1M for our charity).
  • One became obsolete (that’s the one with Platform University). And, that’s OK. Oftentimes you’ll set goals and then, for whatever reason, like in this case, the goal becomes obsolete and doesn’t matter anymore.
  • And then one goal, I completely missed (adding 200,000 to my email list). Although we put every effort into that one goal . . . I just completely missed. And that happens sometimes too. I made some good headway on this one, but we got started late in the year and I think that was the big difference.

Even though I underestimated the time it would take for me, in terms of getting started, I made progress on the one goal that I missed. And guess what? When you reflect on your goals, don’t look at what you didn’t do, but focus on the progress you have made.

Overall, I was happy with my progress for the year. And this year, I’ll be reviewing my goals again (I’ve still got a few days before the deadline to squeeze some magic in 😛 ).
The point is, I’m able to achieve most of my goals like this, year after year, because of a goal planning process I learned from my friend, Michael Hyatt.

When I first started using it, I had my best year ever. And then the next year, I bettered my best. And, the year after that, I bettered my best. And, this year, I will better my best again!

Before that. I would always fall short of my goals. Now, I’m constantly hitting them. And now, I’ve got momentum on my side. I’ve got a great track record the last few years because of this process.

It’s called Best Year Ever.

So, every year I continue to refine the process so that it gets easier and easier for me.
And it’s going to get easier and easier for you the more comfortable you get with it. Because then you can begin to tailor it to what you want to accomplish.

My recommendation is that you first learn the process and follow it to a tee. That’s exactly what I did. Then, once you’ve got the process dialed in, you can begin adapting it to your own specific needs

Michael will be sharing more about the process in this presentation.

I want to encourage you to go and follow his process. It works. It has helped turn December around for me in terms of it being a month that I would not look forward to. Now, it is one that I absolutely look forward to. In fact, when a whole bunch of snow gets dumped on us, I go home and build a snowman with the kids. That’s always fun.

And when you start to use this process, you’ll have something to look forward to each year too!

So, go check it out at Best Year Ever .


Disclosure: When you join Best Year Ever, we get a little something for recommending it to you.

When it comes to achieving our dreams, the small things matter.  From my experience, the small details are the things that can lead to BIG results.


And the good news is, it only takes a few steps in the right direction to make a huge difference in your business, in your relationships and ultimately your life.

So the question is, what small things matter?

Before I get into this, just know that internally, you’re probably going to have the knee jerk reaction of “oh I know this”.  But knowing it and applying it to your life are two totally different things. So I encourage you to take it in and then ask yourself about how you could apply it to your business.


Ok let’s go…

1) You need to know what you want to accomplish.

Sounds obvious right?  

But if I asked you specifically what you want, would you be able to tell me?

Unfortunately, most don’t.  They may have a vague idea.  But it’s “fuzzy” at best.

Imagine if you jumped in your car and had no idea where you wanted to go?  What would be the purpose of getting in the car?

(for parents with young kids… you get a “pass” if you answered “to get my kids to sleep” LOL…. but that’s the only real reason you’d get in a car without knowing where you wanted to go).

Unfortunately, too many of us live this way in our business and in our daily lives.   

At best we have rough targets of what we want to hit.  Perhaps it’s sales or list growth or retention rates we want to aim for.  But they’re too broad.  It needs to be specific and clear.  They should be so clear that if I asked, you’d be able to tell me right away.  

And if I asked 3 months from now, you’d say the exact same thing.

So that’s the first priority – getting clear on what you want.  Without that clarity, you’ll constantly flounder.

The most important element I believe you and I need in place to achieve big things in our lives is a goal setting PROCESS.

The second most important element you and I need in place  is to develop a goal-achieving PROCESS.

2)  Have a goal setting process in place.

Many times we have clear and specific goals.  But we don’t have a process for accomplishing them.  

As business owners, the goals are not enough.  We also need a process for achieving them.

For years, I used the same goal-setting process over and over.  The problem was, the process was broken.  And my goals were terrible.

It’s why I used to get anxious towards the end of every year.   In fact, I used to hate December, because it would send me into a total tailspin.  I’d find myself reflecting on the year realizing that I hadn’t accomplished any of what I set out to do.   Naturally, I’d be in a bad mood and would feel awful about things.  Add to that the cold weather and grey skies of winter . . . it wasn’t fun.

But here’s the “duh moment”… even though I kept getting terrible results, I didn’t make any change to my process.  I kept doing the same thing I had always done.  I just told myself that I had to try and be more disciplined this year.  

It was the same thing over and over again.  I would start by writing down my goals. AND by doing this, I’d feel really good about them (and yes, my goals were SMART –you know, specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-bound).  

But that was never enough.  Because fast forward to the end of the year and I’d look at the list and realize that I hadn’t accomplished anything that I had set out to do. Setting goals wasn’t the problem.  It was the process of achieving them that was completely broken.

One year it dawned on me… if I don’t fix this, I’ll continue to fall further and further behind where I want to be.  So I started to work on my process for achieving the goals I would set.

Today, my process is much different (and I’m getting far better results).  It’s thanks to a process that I learned from Michael Hyatt.  It’s designed to set you up for success each year, AND it helps give your goals more context and meaning.  Doing this made all the difference for me.

So here’s what my process looks like now . . .

Every January first, my wife and I leave our home and get a hotel room in Toronto.  

Now, don’t get any funny ideas (you cheeky monkey!).  We’re there to basically plan our entire year 🙂

Doing this away from home has been very important for us because it helped us “block the time”.  We tried doing it at home one year and we ultimately got distracted and it wasn’t as effective.

The whole process takes about six hours and we follow a specific set of steps guided by Michael.   We watch his videos and then he walks us through his Best Year Ever process.  Then after each video, he provides an exercise and a series of questions to answer.  We reflect individually first.  Then we share our answers and reflect together.

The crazy thing is, it’s been amazing to see what this has done for our marriage as well.  Reflecting and setting goals together has definitely deepened our relationship, because we’re having valuable discussions about our dreams, vision, and what we want to accomplish.  And through it, I’ve gotten clear on how I can best support Amy and likewise, how she can best support me.

Most importantly, it’s helped us get clear on where we were aligned with our family goals (and where we need further discussion!  LOL).  But it’s a far healthier way to come at it.

But as it relates to my career, Michael’s process has also dramatically improved my “success rate”.  Do I hit my goals every time?  No.

But do I have a higher success rate than before?  Heck yeh!

So what’s the takeaway with all this?

If you and I aren’t satisfied with the results we’re getting, then we need to look at changing the process we’re currently using (just like my old process was not working for me).  You’ve got to change it up.  You’ve got to find a process that DOES move you forward. Otherwise . . . you guessed it. . . your results are never going to change.

I look at that goal list now and it fires me up, because I realize we made so much progress this year.  And if I really dig deep, what I’ve realized is that reaching the goal isn’t always the thing that feels the best.  It’s making forward progress toward the goals.  That’s what brings the greatest satisfaction.  So even if I don’t accomplish the goals, I still feel good about them because I’ve made forward progress.

These are two small ideas… but they produce big results.

  1. Know specifically what you want to accomplish
  2. Create a goal achieving process that gives meaning and purpose to your goals

I’d love to know more about the processes that you use for achieving your goals. Let me know in the comments. If you have any questions about the process I use, let me know that in the comments too.

Entrepreneurship… it’s exhausting, right? 

It’s good to feel drained at the END of the day.

In the middle of the day, that’s not so good.

Oftentimes we need a “boost” to keep us going, especially when we’re working with deadlines and important projects.

So how do you boost your mental energy when it’s low?

I think everybody has different methods for this.

These are the ones that work for me:

Listen to Music That Pumps You Up

The fastest and easiest way for me to give myself a boost is to put on a good old dance song.

That can include going in the car and cranking up a tune that I can sing at the top of my lungs, or having a little dance party with the kids at night where we’re running around the house and we’re dancing to a song.

Dancing and music immediately energize me, so that’s one thing that I always do.

Read Feedback From People You’ve Impacted

The second thing that I do is I love reading testimonials or case studies.

I also enjoy reading comments from customers who have received value and gotten results.

This connects me to the “why?” of my business.

I’m doing this because I want to help people. I want to serve entrepreneurs.

Reading their success and the momentum that they’re creating in their business fires me up!

Connect With Your BIG “Why?”

What’s your big “why?” – why do you do what you do?

For me, my business is designed to serve entrepreneurs but my entire CAREER is designed to spend time with my wife, Amy, and the kids.

Sharing experiences with the people who matter most is what I live for. It’s my BIG “why?”.

It’s easy to second-guess ourselves as entrepreneurs. Sometimes we resent the responsibility that entrepreneurship brings and we find ourselves wishing for something more simple and stable.

When I’m feeling this way, I remind myself that entrepreneurship allows me to provide my family with so many freedoms and opportunities that I couldn’t if I worked a “regular” job.

Thinking about this brings me right back into focus. It energizes me and makes me remember why I’m doing this.

Right now, the opportunities for you and I are incredible. This is the greatest time ever to be an entrepreneur.

We have the chance to contribute to our family, to our community, and to the world in a much bigger way than we ever have before.


There’s probably a million little ways to give yourself a boost, but these are the ones that work for me:

  1. I listen to music that pumps me up. I sing at the top of my lungs or I dance with the kids.
  2. I connect with my customers and listen to their stories and the progress and the results that they’re making.
  3. And, most importantly, I connect to the bigger why.

Your turn: How do you boost your energy when it’s low?

I guarantee you, my friend, you are not the only person that has ever felt stuck.

At one point in my life, I felt very stuck.

I had just graduated university.

All my peers were going off into the corporate world. I, on the other hand, was not.

That was not the path that I wanted to go down. Although there’s nothing wrong with it, the corporate world just didn’t feel right for me.

I felt like a square peg in a round hole and I didn’t know what to do. I felt stuck.

What I did, and this is the advice I’m going to share with you, is very straightforward and simple.

Focus on your next step.

You’ve got to get moving.

Most of us, when we feel stuck, we don’t do anything.

We start thinking about the absolute perfect step that we can take but, the reality is, there is no perfect step.

What ends up happening is you waste a bunch of time thinking about it… and you don’t do anything!

Instead of planning your perfect next step, you just have to take a step.

Once you take a step, momentum will bring all kinds of opportunities your way.

So there I was, I’d just graduated university and I knew I didn’t want to go down the corporate path. What was I going to do?

I started speaking to other students because that was something that I DID know how to do, and I realized I was really passionate about the subject of creativity.

Creativity took me from failing out of university to graduating top of my class. I was passionate about it and I wanted to share it with other students, so I started my entrepreneurial career as a speaker, speaking to students about creativity.

Speaking led to me learning about online marketing, which led me to creating a piece of software called WishList Member, a platform for membership sites.

WishList led me to developing a whole bunch of expertise around recurring revenue and membership sites, which led me to where I am now – serving tens of thousands of people, helping them transform their knowledge and influence into recurring revenue.

If you had told me back then that I would do all these things, I would have laughed. I would have said, “What are you talking about? I know nothing about that. There’s no way I’d be able to do that. There’s no way I’d be able to build software.”

I couldn’t have connected the dots to plan that “perfect” next step. Instead, I took a small step that put me in motion.

So how do we stop ourselves from falling in the “perfect” next step trap?

Start with the things that interest you most.

My wife absolutely loves to travel. She’s been trying to think of different business ideas involving travel.

I told her, “Look, start with what you’re passionate about. Pretend like you’re an investigator. Go to the different places that you love and start exploring. When you learn about people doing interesting things, go and check them out. Find out what they’re doing. And then start volunteering. Start helping. Start serving.”

Helping others is one of the best ways to get unstuck.

One of the best things that you and I can do when we’re stuck is to go out and help others, specifically in an area that we’re passionate about.

Chances are, as soon as you start doing that, you are going to start finding opportunities.

I’ll never forget a quote I heard from the great Mike Litman back in the day: “You don’t have to get it right. You just have to get it going.” 

When you’re stuck, you don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.

Take your first step. As soon as you do, it’s going to lead to your next step and the step after that.

Before you know it, momentum will be on your side and all kinds of opportunities will come your way.