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Marketing is SIMPLE

Brief Overview

Too often business owners make their marketing way more complicated than they actually need to be. In this episode, Stu boils it down to 3 specific things and shows you exactly what you need to know to make your marketing simple!

Big Ideas

[01:00] There are a ton of different types of marketing designed to get people’s attention. There’s content marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, facebook marketing, affiliate marketing, direct marketing, e-mail marketing, mobile marketing, pay-per-click marketing, point of sale marketing, referral marketing, SEO marketing, street marketing, viral marketing, the list goes on and on. But the point of the matter is, every single type of marketing is all designed and engineered to get attention. Once you have their attention, now you can earn their trust! So, everything that we do should initially be designed to GET ATTENTION.

[03:00] The second thing we want to do with our marketing is convert that attention. Converting attention could be turning a prospect into a hot lead that now joins your e-mail list or perhaps even into a sale if you want to go all the way to the extreme. So how do we go about converting attention? Well, that boils down to a few key things: 1. You have to have a great offer that people are compelled to buy. 2. You have to give people a reason to buy. When communicating with prospects, whether it be via email, video, social media, face-to-face, or something else, you need to create desire for what it is you are trying to get people to do. You can do this by tapping into their internal and external problems. So once again, after you get the attention, the second step is to CONVERT THE ATTENTION.

[04:50] The final part to making your marketing simple is to KEEP THE ATTENTION. It’s all about loving on your tribe. It’s about continuously over delivering and maintaining a high level of trust. It’s about creating a great experience when someone buys from you. That could come in the form of outstanding customer service, delivering unexpected bonuses, sharing exclusive content, and much more! Think about how you can find ways to continue to be of service.

[06:00] When people buy from you, think about the experience that they are having consuming your product, as a pre-launch to whatever you plan to sell next. You really want to engineer that whole buying experience to really wow people. That is really what’s going to keep your customers coming back to buy from you again and again.

Quotes to Remember

It’s all about getting attention in the beginning because once we’ve got the attention now we can earn the trust.” – Stu McLaren

If we continue to create solutions people are never going to want to go anywhere else.” – Stu McLaren

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