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Frameworks, Webinars and Shadow Sales Funnels

Millions of dollars were spent to produce Funnel Hacking Live and it was loaded with GREAT speakers sharing their best strategies and tactics for growing your business. These are my three juicy takeaways from the event.

Big Ideas

Create More Frameworks [3:13] 

One of the first presentations that really hit home for me was actually from Russell Brunson. He was talking about using frameworks, and how important they are for our businesses, when we are teaching and helping people learn a new skill, make progress in some capacity, or just wanting to share what it is that we do, and establishing the value for those products and services. Russell really boiled down the framework into four key elements:

  1. Story
  2. The high arching strategy 
  3. The tactics 
  4. The examples

He was talking about how when you are teaching a framework, the learning is so much easier if you include these four components. Hearing him say that really emphasized to me that I can do a better job of creating more frameworks. The best part is that when people keep using your frameworks, they become intellectual property, which emphasizes your authority and positioning in the marketplace. 

Validate Your Idea [6:02] 

The second big takeaway that I took home came from a presentation by Dan Henry. The one thing that really stood out to me was Dan’s ability to be able to go from an idea to testing it in the marketplace very quickly, and one of the examples he gave was delivering a webinar. Typically, when somebody is delivering a webinar, they come up with the idea, then start mapping out all their content and put all the stuff on the slides. But he was saying that before you do all of that, just test and validate that the idea is something the marketplace wants to watch, listen to, and/or consume. Start with a super simple webinar, or just do a Facebook Live, go straight to a whiteboard, and map out the big ideas and the bullets on the whiteboard as you’re teaching. Only if that gets traction, expand into a more full-blown webinar setup and process.

Another thing I took away from this presentation was that most likely your audience wants to go from signing up to a webinar to being able to consume the content as quickly as possible. He split tested the consumption rate of the people who signed up and waited a couple of days until they actually saw the webinar, versus those who were able to sign up and then instantly be able to see the replay and/or the webinar right there on demand. The audience was consuming more of the webinar when it was instantly available. So this whole concept of the on-demand webinar really piqued my interest, because I want to make my content as easy as possible for people to consume. 

Be Mindful Of Search Engine Results [09:35] 

The final presentation that I want to share with you was delivered by AJ Rivera and Mike Schmidt. They talked about something they call the shadow sales funnel. When you are selling your products or services, or you’re in the midst of a promotion, inevitably, people are doing searches for you and and your products. The question that they propose to the audience is what is showing up when people do these searches for you? What is showing up in Google, or YouTube?

AJ and Mike’s whole point was that if you don’t know, you should go and check, because chances are, there’s probably content out there that could either be assisting you and/or damaging you. And more importantly, it’s also a massive opportunity to generate leads, because there could be thousands of searches happening all the time around keywords that you could have a very big role in controlling. So it opened my mind because now not only was I more mindful of the searches that may be happening around my name, but I’m certainly more mindful of the searches that are happening around our products name. 

One of the ways they suggested to combat and/or control the results that are showing up is by creating a funnel hub, which is just a fancy name for your website. But there are certain things that you want to make sure to have on that website – a review page, an about page, a product page, a media page, your social media and your contact info. Because whether we realize it or not, people are making those searches, and that could potentially be damaging to us if that traffic is going elsewhere when it could be generating high-quality leads for us. 

Capitalize On The Traffic [13:41] 

The final thing I wanted to share with you was that I never ever want to take for granted what Russell and Todd and the ClickFunnels team have done for our charity, Village Impact. We started Village Impact over 10 years ago, and Russell was one of our first donors. And ever since he and Todd started ClickFunnels, they have built a fundraising model right into the business model itself, meaning every time somebody launches a new funnel that generates 100 or more people in that funnel, ClickFunnels donates $1. And over the years, there have been hundreds of thousands of dollars donated just from this simple model. 

So, Russell invited Amy and I to come to this event because they wanted to give us a cheque for all of those funnels that were built throughout the year. And it was a donation for $208,000, which is unbelievable, especially when you think about the impact that’s going to have on all of those kids over in Kenya. 

And it inspires so many. We do it in our business, Russell does it in his business and I want to encourage you to think about doing it in your business, no matter where you are in your journey. Find a way to build it into your business model. Because not only is it beneficial for the nonprofit that you’re working with, but it also brings people together in a bigger, more fulfilling way. And as your business does great, you also do amazing things in this world through the money that you generate.

Memorable Quotes

“The benefit of creating the frameworks is they become proprietary IP, intellectual property. And so, when they are your frameworks, now when people are using them, they’re using your IP, which again, it just emphasizes your authority and your positioning in the marketplace.” – Stu McLaren

“As your business does great, you also do amazing things in this world, through the money that you generate.” – Stu McLaren


Funnel Hacking Live
Episode 130 – My 5-Part Framework For Teaching Anything

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